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Linking Alpine.js to a Database REST API: An Easy Tutorial

· 6 min read
Maker and Architect @ Codehooks

In this guide, we'll explore creating a dynamic web application with Alpine.js. We'll set up a frontend using Alpine.js, a minimalistic JavaScript/HTML framework, and integrate it with a comprehensive REST API database backend. For rapid design, we'll use DaisyUI and Tailwind CSS. This project offers a hands-on way to see these technologies in action.


Simplify Your Codehooks Development with Devcontainers

· 3 min read
Co-Founder and Maker @ Codehooks

In this blog post, we'll show you how to set up and use a devcontainer for Codehooks development. Devcontainers, a feature of Visual Studio Code, allow you to create a consistent development environment that can be shared across your team, streamlining your workflow and reducing setup time. Developers on OS X, Windows and Linux will now get the same environment with everything set up correctly from the start.

Codehooks is a powerful Backend-as-a-Service platform that provides Express-like endpoints, a NoSQL document database, a key-value store, a worker queue system, and a CRON-like job scheduling system, all managed through a simple CLI. To set up a devcontainer for Codehooks, follow the steps outlined in this article.


How to create a Node.js REST API backend using ChatGPT and

· 7 min read
Co-Founder and Maker @ Codehooks

ChatGPT, a variant of the popular GPT-3 language model, is all the rage these days. People everywhere creates videos about it or blog about it. It's changing our world. And we understand why! ChatGPT is totally awesome for producing all kinds of text and answers and that includes code!

By providing ChatGPT with examples of backend code, we will in this blog post show you how you can use ChatGPT to produce codehooks JavaScript backend code that is both functionally correct, easy to understand and instantly deployable. In the end, we will have a tool that can help us quickly prototype and build different kinds of backends with minimal effort. So, let's get started!


What is JAMstack - an introduction

· 6 min read
Co-Founder and Maker @ Codehooks

What is JAMstack about? The JAMstack architecture is gaining popularity among frontend developers for its ability to provide a modern, fast, and secure web development experience.

In order to achieve better performance, developers have had to look at different ways and tools that together could increase speed and at the same time maintain a high level of security. Traditional and dynamic CMS-based websites have the disadvantage that data must be retrieved from a database or similar in order to deliver content on the websites. Using so-called reverse proxies and caches (i.e., "fast storage") such as Varnish and nginx, was one of the few options to increase performance. That is, until the JAMstack architecture (and frameworks) arrived.

What is JAMStack

How to quickly create a REST CRUD API backend using - with code example

· 10 min read
Architect and Maker @ Codehooks

Create, read, update, and delete operations, often popularly known as CRUD — are essential in any application interacting with a database. In the schemaless and document oriented NoSQL world, it's important to control both query and data manipulation from your application. This blog post shows you how easy it is to create a full REST API with CRUD operations and validation for your application using


How to authenticate a React app against a serverless backend API with Auth0

· 8 min read
Co-Founder and Maker @ Codehooks

Most web applications and mobile apps need a way for users to authenticate themselves so that the backend APIs and database can access data in the context of the user. One of the leading service providers within authentication services is Okta Auth0. They provide a very powerful platform and a ton of features for creating optimal user login experiences.

In this blogpost, we'll show how you can easily authenticate serverless API routes using only a few lines of code together with the public signing key/JWKS endpoint method of validating JWT tokens. Don't know what that is? Don't worry. Read on 👉. We have used a React single-page example from Auth0 here, but it should work just fine with their other examples as well (Angular, JavaScript, Vue).


Build a random quotes API using serverless JavaScript and a NoSQL database

· 9 min read
Eric Jones
Eric Jones
Maker and Architect - [email protected]

API's, Microservices and JavaScript are the digital glue of the modern Internet.

This blog post shows how you can build a fast serverless API for a large data set. We'll use a 144MB file with 500K famous quotes to create an efficient NoSQL datastore using code hooks. We'll build and deploy a public serverless API to serve random quotes from the NoSQL database to clients.


Send bulk emails using Mailgun and serverless Javascript hooks

· 8 min read
Eric Jones
Eric Jones
Maker and Architect - [email protected]

Email remains the top communication tool for businesses. Either, if you need to create simple direct emails messages, or schedule templated bulk messages to customers - we all need flexible tools to communicate effectively with our customers.

This blog post shows how you can create a serverless background application for sending bulk HTML emails using the popular Mailgun SaaS.