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Database API

The database API lets you execute queries and manipulate data in the built in NoSQL datastore.

API quick overview opens a connection to a datastore in the active project space.

import {Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myfunc() {
const conn = await;
// use conn to call API functions

Returns Promise / Datastore connection

insertOne(collection, document)

Insert a new data object into a collection in a datastore.


  • collection: collection name
  • document: JSON document or array of JSON documents

Returns: Promise with the new JSON document and an unique _id value.

Validation exceptions: See JSON-schema validation

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function createSale(req, res) {
const conn = await;
try {
const doc = await conn.insertOne('sales', req.body);
// return new document to client
} catch (error) {
if (error.schemaError) {
// JSON-schema validation error
} else {
// unknown error
res.status(500).json({error: error.message})
// Serverless route hook'/sales', createSale);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example input:
"Region": "North America",
"Item Type": "Cereal",
"Volume": 200

getOne(collection, ID | Query)

Get one data object by ID or by Query from a collection in a datastore.


  • collection: name of collection
  • ID or Query: the _id value, or a Query {value: "some value"}

Returns Promise with json document

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function getOne(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const {id} = req.params;
const data = await conn.getOne('customer', id); // same as conn.getOne('customer', {_id: id})
// Serverless route hook
app.get('/cust/:id', getOne);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:
"name": "Acme Inc.",
_id: "640f60f2b4fdc00015c42811"

findOne(collection, ID | Query)

Alias for getOne

find(collection, query, options)

Alias for getMany

getMany(collection, query, options)

Stream multiple data objects from a collection in a datastore. Data are sorted naturally by the index for the collection, default index is by _id which will stream data in chronological order.


  • collection: collection name (mandatory)
  • query: mongoDB query object, e.g. {name: "Jane"} (Read query language docs). Default query is empty {}, i.e. all objects
  • options (optional settings)
    • sort: mongoDB sort object. E.g. sort by name ascending {"name": 1}
    • limit: how many items to return
    • hints: include or omit fields
      • Include fields example: {$fields: {name: 1, address: 1}}
      • Omit fields example: {$fields: {name: 0, _id_: 0}}
    • offset: how many items to skip before returning any

Returns a JSON array data stream.

Simple code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function getSales(req, res) {
const conn = await;
conn.getMany('sales').json(res); // pipe json stream to client
// Serverless route hook
app.get('/sales', getSales);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:
"Region": "France",
"Item Type": "Veal",
"Volume": 130,
"Unit Price": 2005.7,
"Unit Cost": 11s7.11,
"_id": "640f60e2b4fdc00015c4280f"
"Region": "Germany",
"Item Type": "Haxe",
"Volume": 30,
"Unit Price": 30.4,
"Unit Cost": 32.43,
"_id": "640f60e2b4fdc00015c4282f"

Advanced code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function getSales(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const query = {"Volume": {$gt: req.params.vol}};
const options = {
limit: 1000,
hints: {$fields: {hidden: 0, _id: 0}}
conn.getMany('sales', query, options).json(res); // json stream is piped back to client
// Serverless route hook
app.get('/sales/:vol', getSales);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:
"Region": "North America",
"Item Type": "Cereal",
"Volume": 1304,
"Unit Price": 205.7,
"Unit Cost": 117.11
"Region": "North America",
"Item Type": "Cereal",
"Volume": 1306,
"Unit Price": 10.3,
"Unit Cost": 3.3

Streaming data code example

With the steaming API you're in full control over how to deliver data back to a client. In this example the content-type is set first, next the code is using forEach to iterate the stream to output one line of data per database object.

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function getSales(req, res) {
res.set('content-type', 'text/plain')
const conn = await;
let count = 0;
const cursor = conn.getMany('sales', {"Item Type": "Cereal"})
await cursor.forEach((item) => {
// use the response.write to stream data back to client
res.write(`Item ${count++} has volume ${item.Volume}\n`)
// Serverless route hook
app.get('/sales', getSales);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Output from the streaming data code example:

Item 0 has volume 1304
Item 1 has volume 1306

toArray(collection, query, options)

Utility function to return multiple data objects as an array of objects from the getMany API call.

Simple code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function getSales(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const query = {"product": "foo"}; // query for foo products
const array = await conn.getMany('sales', query).toArray(); // as array
// return json array
// Serverless route hook
app.get('/sales', getSales);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

updateOne(collection, ID | Query, document, options)

Update one data object by ID or by Query in a datastore collection. Input document is patched with the matched database object.


  • collection: name of collection
  • ID or Query: the _id value, or a Query {value: "some value"}
  • document: new json document to update or manipulate data operators
  • options: (optional settings)
    • upsert: Create a new document if ID does not exist by {upsert: true}

Returns: Promise with updated json document

Validation exceptions: See JSON-schema validation

Code example: update by ID

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myFunc(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const data = await conn.updateOne('customer',, req.body);
// Serverless route hook
app.put('/cust/:id', myFunc);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example input:
"name": "Acme Inc.",
"sales": 42

Code example: update using the upsert option

// upsert api route'/update', async (req, res) => {
const {email} = req.body;
console.log('upsert', email)
const conn = await
const upsertResult = await conn.updateOne('users',
// query
"emailAddress": email
// update operators
$set: { "emailAddress": email },
$inc: { "visits": 1 }
// upsert option
{upsert: true})

Example input and result


# example input:
"email": "[email protected]"

# example output:
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"visits": 8,
"_id": "658af419d44110bef4e88beb"

updateMany(collection, query, document, options)

Update multiple data objects in a datastore collection. Input document is patched with the matched database objects.


  • collection: name of collection
  • query: mongoDB query object (docs)
  • document: new json document to update or manipulate
  • options (optional settings)

Returns: Promise with count of objects updated

Validation exceptions: See JSON-schema validation

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myFunc(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const query = {
"customerStatus": "GOLD"
const doc = {
$inc: {"bonus": "20"},
$set: {customerStatus: "PLATINUM"}
const data = await conn.updateMany('customer', query, doc);
// Serverless route hook
app.put('/cust', myFunc);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:
"name": "Acme Inc.",
"customerStatus": "PLATINUM",
"bonus": "20",
_id: "640f60f2b4fdc00015c42811"
"name": "Colo Inc.",
"customerStatus": "PLATINUM",
"bonus": "30",
_id: "640f60f2b4fdc00015c42f00"

replaceOne(collection, ID | Query, document, options)

Replace one data object by ID or by Query in a datastore collection. Input document overwrites the matched database object, the _id value is not overwritten.


  • collection: name of collection
  • ID or Query: the _id value, or a Query {value: "some value"}
  • document: new json document to replace
  • options: (optional settings)
    • upsert: Create a new document if ID does not exist by {upsert: true}

Returns Promise with updated json document

Validation exceptions: See JSON-schema validation

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myFunc(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const data = await conn.replaceOne('customer', {_id:}, req.body);
// Serverless route hook
app.put('/cust/:id', myFunc);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example input:
"name": "Acme Replacement Inc.",
"sales": 0

replaceMany(collection, query, document, options)

Replace multiple data objects in a datastore collection. Input document overwrites the matched database objects. The _id value is not overwritten.


  • collection: name of collection
  • query: mongoDB query object (docs)
  • document: new json document to replace
  • options (optional settings)

Returns Promise with count of objects updated

Validation exceptions: See JSON-schema validation

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myFunc(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const query = {
"customerStatus": "GOLD"
const doc = {
"Acme": "was here"
const data = await conn.replaceMany('customer', query, doc);
// Serverless route hook
app.put('/cust', myFunc);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:
"Acme": "was here"
_id: "640f60f2b4fdc00015c42811"
"Acme": "was here"
_id: "640f60f2b4fdc00015c400fe"

removeOne(collection, ID | Query)

Remove one data object by ID or by Query in a datastore collection.


  • collection: name of collection
  • ID or Query: the _id value, or a Query {value: "some value"}

Returns Promise with document ID

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myFunc(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const data = await conn.removeOne('customer', {_id:});
// Serverless route hook
app.delete('/cust/:id', myFunc);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:

removeMany(collection, query, options)

Remove multiple data objects in a datastore collection.


  • collection: name of collection
  • query: mongoDB query object (docs)
  • options (optional settings)

Returns Promise with count of objects deleted

Code example

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

async function myFunc(req, res) {
const conn = await;
const query = {
"customerStatus": "GOLD"
const data = await conn.removeMany('customer', query);
// Serverless route hook
app.delete('/cust', myFunc);

export default app.init(); // Bind functions to the serverless runtime

Example input and result


Example output:
{"count": 3}

Data validation

Add data validation (JSON-schema) to any database collection directly to the database collection using the CLI command add-schema or the Codehooks Studio application navigating to Collection/Settings/JSON-Schema.


Example: Defining a JSON Schema

To ensure your data is consistent and secure, you can define a JSON Schema for your collections. This schema will validate the data structure and enforce data types.

Create a schema file (e.g., personSchema.json) defining the structure of your data:

"$schema": "",
"title": "Person",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"firstName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The person's first name."
"lastName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The person's last name."
"age": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The person's age.",
"minimum": 0
"email": {
"type": "string",
"format": "email",
"description": "The person's email address."
"required": [

Use the CLI to add this JSON Schema to your collection:

codehooks add-schema --collection 'person' --schema './personSchema.json'

JSON-Schema validation errors and status code

In the event that clients sends data not following the JSON-Schema, a validator error will be thrown. E.g. when the API posts a JSON object missing a required field a validator schemaError error array of objects will be returned.

"schemaError": [
"instancePath": "",
"schemaPath": "#/required",
"keyword": "required",
"params": {
"missingProperty": "firstName"
"message": "must have required property 'firstName'"