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Launch your Backend and API instantly with zero setup

A super-simple yet complete backend for your next project - get an instant CRUD API without coding or use code to quickly build powerful automations and APIs with built-in database storage and more

Create an API before breakfast

A new Codehooks project instantly deploys a CRUD REST API, ready to use. Add your own domain and we'll provide a free 🔒 SSL certificate.

Backend Machinery for all your needs

Build anything with Serverless JavaScript or TypeScript functions, Express-like routes, NoSQL JSON data with MongoDB-like queries, CRON-jobs, Queues, Real-time, Authentication, powerful CLI for automations and more.

Instant Solution Templates

Deploy or create complete self-contained solution templates with everything included right in the codebase. We are working on a number of powerful solution templates, so check the Examples section regularly.

Code and Deploy online or locally - manage data online

Create, edit and deploy JavaScript/TypeScript code instantly. Import, export, browse, create, edit, query or delete JSON data easily and safely. Watch live API/function logs, manage settings.

Fast NoSQL document and key-value databases

The open source database engine RocksDB powers our databases: A NoSQL JSON document database with MongoDB-like queries and a simple key/value store with lightning fast performance.

Your data is safe

Our service runs in the cloud on Digital Ocean's infrastructure in the EU. Data is fully encrypted at rest and in transit. Backups are made daily and stored in a separate encrypted location.

Easy online Backend Development and Management

Slide 1
Built-in code editor with syntax highlighting. Deploy in seconds.
Slide 2
Query and manage your data using MongoDB-like queries.
Slide 3
Manage settings like tokens, env variables, JWKS auth, and domains easily.
Slide 4
See deployed API routes and get working example code for cURL, JavaScript and Python
Slide 5
Watch live API/function logs
Slide 6
Add spaces (environments), developers, see billing info and manage project
(Use mouse, keyboard arrows or swipe/touch to browse screenshots)

Simplified JavaScript backend code without the plumbing

// ✅ ES6 support
import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

// ✅ familiar Express routes, perfect for easy REST and GraphQL APIs
app.get('/route', handleGet) // etc

// ✅ built in fast NoSQL document database and Key-Value store - no config needed'/orders', async (req,res) => {
const conn = await;
// now you can use DOCUMENT operations:
// conn.insertOne, getOne, findOne, find, update, replace, remove etc.
// and KEY-VALUE operations:
// conn.set, get, getAll, incr, decr, del, delAll

// ✅ super easy Queue Workers for async processing

app.worker('sendEmail', sendEmailFunc)
conn.enqueue("sendEmail", { email: '[email protected]', ...etc })

// ✅ super easy CRON jobs

app.job('* * * * *', handleJobEveryMinute)

// ✅ Instant database CRUD REST API with validation - why code all the plumbing?
// Use crudlify with Yup validation or JSON schema

app.crudlify( {customer, product} );

// ✅ Check out the docs for more features like easy authentication etc...

Instant deployment with CLI

# ✅ Instant deployment with CLI

npm install codehooks -g

codehooks deploy

What our users say

Peter Skaugvold

Codehooks is a great tool! In record time we have built a backend and API which collects live fish farm data from our sonars. The data is now easily accessible in a dashboard for our customers."

Peter Skaugvold, CEO @Waive

Alexander Sundli-Härdig

For one of our portfolio companies' clients , we needed a quick way to backup important orders. In a matter of minutes we set up a Codehooks project with a simple API to store a backup of the data.

Alexander Sundli-Härdig, Partner @Skavl

Trond Aarø

I've been playing around with Codehooks for an internal project and I must say I'm impressed. It's a great tool for quickly setting up a backend API and database without any fuzz.

Trond Aarø, Senior Developer @Acos


Designed for fast-moving teams

Our pricing is simple and transparent, with just three plans: Development (free), Pro and Premium. The Development plan is to get you started building and for hobby projects, the Pro and Premium plans are for production projects. The paid plans can be extended with extra resources when needed.



2 Developers
API and Function calls 60/minute
150MB Database and File Storage
1 Custom Domain w/SSL cert
1 Space



3 Developers
API and Function calls 600/minute
1 GB Database* and File Storage
2 Custom Domains
1 Space
Daily Backups
Best Effort Support
Extra resources: Developers $5, Storage $1/GB, Domains $10, Spaces $10
*) 1 GB of JSON data of 1KB per document is ca 1 million documents



10 developers
Full-speed API and Functions
50 GB Database and File Storage
5 Custom Domains
3 Spaces
Daily Backups
Prioritized Support
Extra resources: Developers $5, Storage $0.5/GB, Domains $10, Spaces $10

Spaces - the power of separate environments

Codehooks has a unique feature called Spaces. Spaces are totally self-contained environments with their own storage, database, code, settings and domains. It's well suited to use for having development, staging and production environments in the same project, but can also be used for different backend / API functionality in the same project.

Developed by the team is a modern all-in-one API and REST API backend platform for JavaScript/TypeScript developers. We are working hard on Codehooks, but if you prefer a more low-code (or nocode) approach, please also check out the database-as-a-service which also has a NoSQL database with a ready-to-use REST API and a free plan.