The Application Object
The Application object creates events that lets you hook your serverless functions accordingly.
Available event types are:
- REST API route events
- Background Job cron and scheduled events
- Worker Queue events
- Authentication events
The event hooks is an Node.js Express style JavaScript library in a public npm library that you install as a npm package in your project directory. You can check for updates in the npm version.
Install the CLI.
npm i codehooks-js
Deploy your app with the CLI command.
coho deploy
API quick overview
- Complete code example
- app.init()
- app.use(workerFunction)
- app.use(route, workerFunction)
- app.get(route, workerFunction)
-, workerFunction)
- app.put(route, workerFunction)
- app.patch(route, workerFunction)
- app.delete(route, workerFunction)
- app.all(route, workerFunction)
- app.auth(route, workerFunction)
- app.worker(name, workerFunction)
- app.job(cronExpression, workerFunction)
- app.static(options, callback)
-, callback)
- app.crudlify(schema, options)
Complete code example
Import the app
library in your application and hook into the various events.
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
// generic serverless function
function fooFunc(req, res) {
// generic middleware function
function fooMiddleware(req, res, next) {
* Hook into events
app.use(fooMiddleware); // global middleware
app.use('/foo', fooMiddleware); // global middleware on routes
app.get('/foo', fooFunc); // GET'/foo', fooFunc); // POST
app.put('/foo', fooFunc); // PUT
app.patch('/foo', fooFunc); // PATCH
app.delete('/foo', fooFunc); // DELETE
app.all('/foo', fooFunc); // GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
app.auth('/*', fooMiddleware); // Called before outher routes without access tokens
app.job('* * * * *', fooFunc); // subscribe to cron events
app.worker('workername', fooFunc); // subscribe to worker events
app.static(options); // serve deployed static files and content; // serve dynamic uploaded files and content
app.crudlify(options); // Database CRUD REST API
// Bind events and functions to the serverless runtime
export default app.init();
Mandatory call to bind your functions to events from the serverless runtime.
Parameters none
Adds global middleware to all route API events (get, put, post, patch, delete).
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject, next)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
// external npm lib middleware
app.get('/foo', function (req, res) {
// Cookies that have not been signed
console.log('Cookies: ', req.cookies)
// Cookies that have been signed
console.log('Signed Cookies: ', req.signedCookies)
// Custom middleware result
console.log('Foo: ',
export default app.init();
app.use(route, workerFunction)
Adds global middleware to a specific route API events (get, put, post, patch, delete).
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject, next)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
// custom
app.use('/foo', (req, res, next) => {
console.log('Called before any other route handlers') = 'Foo was here!'
next() // must be called to continue
app.get('/foo', function (req, res) {
// Custom middleware result
console.log('Foo: ',
export default app.init();
app.get(route, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function on HTTP GET method and route match.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
app.get('/foo', function (req, res) {
export default app.init();, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function on HTTP POST method and route match.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js''/foo', function (req, res) {
console.log("Data from client is", req.body)
export default app.init();
app.put(route, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function on HTTP PUT method and route match.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
app.put('/foo', function (req, res) {
console.log("Data from client is", req.body)
export default app.init();
app.patch(route, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function on HTTP PATCH method and route match.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
app.patch('/foo', function (req, res) {
console.log("Data from client is", req.body)
export default app.init();
app.delete(route, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function on HTTP DELETE method and route match.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
app.delete('/foo/:ID', function (req, res) {
const {ID} = req.params;
console.log("Delete this", ID)
export default app.init();
app.all(route, workerFunction)
If no other routes matched before this, then execute the workerFunction function on all HTTP methods and route match.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
import {app} from 'codehooks-js'
app.get('/foo', function (req, res) {
res.send('Done GET')
app.all('/*', function (req, res) {
res.send(`None of the above routes matched but this ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}`)
export default app.init();
app.auth(route, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function when no authentication token (x-apikey or JWT) is present. Works for all HTTP methods and route matches.
- route: String or RegExp that matches route
- workerFunction: function(requestObject, responseObject)
Returns void
Code example
app.worker(name, workerFunction)
Register a named workerFunction function that can be used to process queued events or scheduled events.
- name: unique worker name
- workerFunction: function(queueData, responseFunction)
Returns void
Code example for queue workers
Code example for scheduled workers
app.job(cronExpression, workerFunction)
Execute workerFunction function when cron job are scheduled.
- cronExpression: a valid cron expression string
- workerFunction: function(jobData, responseFunction)
app.static(options, callback)
Serve static files from deployed source directory.
For example: app.static({ route: '/img', directory: '/assets/images' })
- directory: path to file upload directory
- route: URL sub route for clients
callback(req, res, next)
Provide a middleware function to control the request. For example, add client side cache headers instructions for static assets.
// serve static assets/images, and cache for 1 hour
app.static({ route: '/assets', directory: '/assets' }, (req, res, next) => {
console.log('If you see this, the client cache is invalidated or called for the first time');
const ONE_HOUR = 1000*60*60;
res.set('Cache-Control', `public, max-age=${ONE_HOUR}, s-maxage=${ONE_HOUR}`);
res.setHeader("Expires", new Date( + ONE_HOUR).toUTCString());
}), callback)
Serve files from the blob storage file system. You can upload files to the blob storage with the CLI. Also see the Filesystem API docs.
$ coho file-upload --projectname 'myproject-fafc' --space 'dev' --src '/mylocaldir/' --target '/mydocuments'
For example:{ route: '/docs', directory: '/mydocuments' })
- directory: path to file upload directory
- route: URL sub route for clients
callback(req, res, next)
Provide a middleware function to control the request.
app.crudlify(schema, options)
Creates a complete Database REST API (detailed docs here).
Example: REST API for two collection customer
and product
, any schema is allowed:
app.crudlify({ customer: {}, product: {} }, {prefix: "/crudapi"})
// Example valid URL's
-- collection: schema, for specific collections, e.g. {"collection": someSchema}
- prefix: serve REST routes under another route.
{"prefix": "/api"}
Returns Promise to before<VERB>
crudlify(app, {product, customer}).then((hooks) => {
hooks.beforePOST('customer', async (data) => {
// do something here = 'Was here before saving!'
hooks.afterPOST('product', async (data) => {
console.log("Data as saved to the database", data)
// do something here