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Queue workers

Queue workers enables async and persistent queues (MQ). Queue workers are a brilliant way of adding scalability and resilience to your application backend.

Objects (messages) are added to queues using the built-in JavaScript Queue API. Serverless queue workers process each object in a queue asynchronously. The illustration below shows how three independent queues (named topic-1, topic-2, topic-3) with their payload objects (x) are being processed by independent workers that eventually execute your function.

Example queue worker

The following example queue worker function prints to the log each time a request.body is added to the queue as a POST to the example route /addQueue.

import {app, Datastore} from 'codehooks-js'

// Serverless queue worker function for topic 'myqueue'
app.worker('myqueue', (req, res) => {
console.log("The queue item is", req.body.payload);
res.end(); // done with one item

// API route that adds to the queue'/addQueue', async (req, res) => {
const conn = await;
const jobId = await conn.enqueue("myqueue", {"data": req.body});

export default app.init();
  • Topic names are unique strings. E.g. "sendEmails"
  • Queue data are accessed through the request.body.payload object
  • Each topic is processed as a separate queue
  • QUEUE_WORKERS environment variable manage number of parallell workers. E.g. QUEUE_WORKERS=10
  • Each queue are stored in separate system collections prefixed with _queue_{TOPIC}. E.g. if the topic is sendEmail the queue would be named _queue_sendEmails
  • Read more about the JavaScript Queue API